The Group
We are a non-professional theatre company in Helston, on the southern tip of Cornwall. We have around 100 members, but put on productions that meet the standard of much larger companies in the area. Most of our productions are staged in the Epworth Hall, Helston, and we do tour to other venues in the county.

We are a member of both Cornwall Drama Association, and National Operative & Dramatic Association and have taken part in the All England One Act Play Festival. We are always looking for new members to join us so do get in touch via the contact page.
Committee Members

Helston Theatre Company has awarded Life Membership to the following members for their individual contribution to the group:
Cornwall Drama Association
CDA Special Award: The Railway Children
Cornwall Drama Association
Pamela Dinsmore Award:
National Operatic and Dramatic Association
Cornwall Drama Association
National Operatic and Drama Association
Cornwall Drama Association
Sally Robinson Award:
Cornwall Drama Association
Special Awards:
Cornwall Drama Association
Special Awards:
Cornwall Drama Association
Special Awards:
National Operatic and Dramatic Association
Cornwall Drama Association
Cornwall Drama Association
Special Awards:
National Operatic and Dramatic Association
Cornwall Drama Association
Special Awards:
All England 1 Act Play
Cornwall Drama Association
All England 1 Act Play
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide opportunities for people to collectively appreciate and develop their talents, skills, knowledge and expertise in live performance. In support of our mission we aim to present a diverse range of productions of high standards for our audiences and members participation and enjoyment.

To achieve our aim we:
- Select activities and productions which will provide interest, challenge, entertainment and rewards for our participants and audiences;
- are inclusive and welcoming; providing support and encouragement to our diverse membership;
- provide leadership, structures, procedures and financial probity to ensure the continuity of our company;
- recognise the ability to contribute is not evenly distributed but will be clear about minimum expectations to ensure collective pride in our achievements;
- encourage participation from, and presentation to, the widest possible cross-section of our community;
- recognise and value equally the needs and contribution of performers, crew and audiences