Helston Theatre Company

Unveiling the essence of the Helston Theatre Company.

We are more than just a theatre group in South West Cornwall; we are the embodiment of passion, creativity, and artistic expression.

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The Group

We are a non-professional theatre company in Helston, on the southern tip of Cornwall. We have around 100 members, but put on productions that meet the standard of much larger companies in the area. Most of our productions are staged in the Epworth Hall, Helston, and we do tour to other venues in the county.

Jamaica Inn at Trebah Gardens
My Fair Lady at the Epworth Hall

We are a member of both Cornwall Drama Association, and National Operative & Dramatic Association and have taken part in the All England One Act Play Festival. We are always looking for new members to join us so do get in touch via the contact page.

Committee Members

Paul Blaber
Paul Blaber
For over 45 years, Paul has immersed himself in non-professional theatre in Helston, directing numerous productions, notably "Sunset Boulevard", "Rent", "Avenue Q", and "Evita". Equally adept as an actor, he finds fulfillment in the administrative and production aspects of our company, relishing organizing props, social events, and cast management with equal enthusiasm.
Ben Blaber
Vice Chairman
Ben Blaber
Ben was first on stage at the age of 9 months when he appeared in Roses of Eyam at the Minack Theatre. He has been a member of Helston Theatre Company since it was first formed and served as Vice Chair for 6 years. No wonder he is our “go to man” for everything from artistic direction to set design and anything else theatrical.
Samantha Laity
Samantha Laity
Sam joined HTC in 2013 and has served as Secretary on the committee since 2021, a role she relishes. While her favorite performance was in "Evita", she also cherished her time as Front of House for "Sunset Boulevard", enjoying the show each night from a different perspective.
Leslie Church
Leslie Church
Leslie joined HTC in 2012 for ‘Oliver!’ and, despite being allergic to pantomimes, has been involved in most productions since then. He joined the committee as co-treasurer with his husband Johnny in 2020. Choosing his favourite show would be like choosing a favourite child so let’s not go there but his favourite saying is “ … and how much will that cost?”
Sophie Greenaway
Child Protection Officer
Sophie Greenaway
Sophie has been a dedicated member of Helston Theatre Company since its inception. Serving as the Child Protection Officer for 7 years, she views HTC as her second family. Balancing her passion for performing on stage with her role in the creative team, Sophie finds fulfillment in every aspect of her involvement.
Joanna Rule
Marketing Team
Joanna Rule
Joanna has been a member of Helston Theatre Company since 2019, joining the committee as Marketing Officer in 2021. She is often seen onstage too - although has dabbled in the worlds of props, costume and stage crew as well!
Harry Charleston
Scenery Storage Manager
Harry Charleston
Harry, a committee member since 2022, embraces the organizational challenges and collaborative spirit it offers. Typically found on stage, his committee tenure has broadened his skill set, including set building and direction, enriching his theatrical journey with diverse experiences and newfound expertise.
Sarah England
General Member
Sarah England
Sarah is a member since she first joined during the production of Oliver in 2013. This marks her second stint on the committee, having briefly stepped down in 2020 for university before returning in 2022. As the self-proclaimed Social Secretary, she delights in fostering camaraderie and celebrating friendships and achievements beyond rehearsals.
Charlotte Laity
General Member
Charlotte Laity
Charlotte has been a member of Helston Theatre Company since 2011 and a member of the committee since 2022. She has played many roles both on and off stage within the group, most recently Evita at the Minack Theatre.
Carrie Anne Sterry
General Member
Carrie Anne Sterry
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Helston Theatre Company has awarded Life Membership to the following members for their individual contribution to the group:

Anita O'Hara
George Bilkey
Elaine Downie
Jonathan Geer
Chris Malton
Nicky Roberts
Liz Rose
Jim Downie



Cornwall Drama Association

- Best Actor in a Musical - Paul Blaber as Dame Trott for Jack and the Beanstalk
- Best Set in a Musical - Sweeney Todd

Pamela Dinsmore Award:

- Technical Achievement Award for Sweeney Todd

National Operatic and Dramatic Association

- Bes Stage Deco - Sweeney Todd

Cornwall Drama Association

- Best Actor in a Musical - John England for Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood

National Operatic and Drama Association

- South West District 1 Achievement Award for Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood

Cornwall Drama Association

- Best Costumes in a Musical for Aladdin
- Best Actress in a Musical - Sarah England for Aladdin

Sally Robinson Award:

- Outstanding Musical Performance Grace Wallen for Tell Me On a Sunday

Cornwall Drama Association

- Best Set in a Musical for Whistle Down The Wind
- Technical Achievement for Whistle Down The Wind
- Best Actress in a Musical - Caya Murphy for Whislte Down The Wind
- Best Actor in a Musical - Jonathan Tucker for My Fair Lady
- Best Pantomime for Dick Whittington

Special Awards:

- The Best Steam Train in The Wind in the Willows
- Tabitha Lammas as Tabby the Cat in Dick Whittington

Cornwall Drama Association

- Best Musical for Avenue Q
- Best Director - Paul Blaber for Avenue Q
- Fine Ensemble Playing for Avenue Q
- Best Actor in a Musical - Trenton Spear & Russel Hicken for Avenue Q
- Best Actress in a Musical - Grace Wallen for Avenue Q

Special Awards:

- Gary Hunt for the Dame in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfes
- The Dwarfes in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfes

Cornwall Drama Association

- Best Musical for Rent
- Best Director - Paul Blaber for Rent
- Outstanding Musical Performance for Rent
- Fine Ensemble Playing for Rent
- Best Pantomime for Cinderella
- Technical Achievement for Cinderella
- Best set for Cinderella

Special Awards:

- John England & Rob Mitchell for the Ugly Sisters in Cinderella
- Jarrad Goldsworthy & Trenton Spear for their pairing in Rent
- Anita Smuda for Best Choreography for Cinderella

National Operatic and Dramatic Association

- District 1 Award for Rent

Cornwall Drama Association

- Best Musical for Our House
- Best Actor - Nathan Hooper for Our House
- Outstanding Musical Performance for Our House
- Fine Ensemble Playing for Our House

Cornwall Drama Association

- Best Director - Leslie Church for The Hypochondriac
- Best Costumes for Sunset Boulevard
- Best Supporting Performance - Gary Hunt for Sunset Boulevard
- Best Actress - Helen Hartshorne for Sunset Boulevard
- Best Set for Sunset Boulevard
- Best Musical for Sunset Boulevard

Special Awards:

- Simon Davies for Priscilla the Goose in Mother Goose
- The Goose costume and the Mother Goose Zombies
- Outstanding romantic duo for Sunset Boulevard

National Operatic and Dramatic Association

- District 1 Award for Sunset Boulevard

Cornwall Drama Association

Special Awards:

- Special Award for Carrie Thresher in There Goes the Bride
- Special Award for the Giant in Jack and the Beakstalk

All England 1 Act Play

- Best Actor - Tim Gerrish for Alternative Accommodation

Cornwall Drama Association

- Best Musical for Oliver!
- Best Director - Paul Blaber for Oliver!
- Best Actress for Karenza Taylor for Oliver!
- Technical Excellence for Cinderella

All England 1 Act Play

- Best Actor - Mike Cox for Between Mouthfulls

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide opportunities for people to collectively appreciate and develop their talents, skills, knowledge and expertise in live performance. In support of our mission we aim to present a diverse range of productions of high standards for our audiences and members participation and enjoyment.

Jamaica Inn at Trebah Gardens

To achieve our aim we:

  • Select activities and productions which will provide interest, challenge, entertainment and rewards for our participants and audiences;
  • are inclusive and welcoming; providing support and encouragement to our diverse membership;
  • provide leadership, structures, procedures and financial probity to ensure the continuity of our company;
  • recognise the ability to contribute is not evenly distributed but will be clear about minimum expectations to ensure collective pride in our achievements;
  • encourage participation from, and presentation to, the widest possible cross-section of our community;
  • recognise and value equally the needs and contribution of performers, crew and audiences

Child Protection Policy

Interested in finding out more?

We are an all inclusive group and we would love to have you on board.